donderdag 26 juli 2012

I'm back in Holland!

I'm back! I had such a good time Copenhagen and Stockholm are amazing! Such pretty buildings, cute coffeeshops, nice people and of course amazing streetstyle. I'm still really tired from the trip so I'm going to relax first. I will post pictures probably saturday. Maybe I'm going to the beach tomorrow.
Enjoy the sun!

maandag 16 juli 2012

I'm off to Copenhagen and Stockholm

I'm almost done packing!  Tomorrow I'm leaving to Copenhagen we are staying there 4 days and then we travel to Stockholm.  I'm going with my family and I'm so excited! I will be back in 10 days. 
        SEE YOU SOON!

dinsdag 10 juli 2012


A little bit late for graduation photos but I just could not resist 
showing you my dress/shirt whatever you want to call it.
Today I'm going shopping in Wijnegem , a huge shopping center near Antwerp, 
with my mom and my sisters. I can't buy that much anymore also because 
I have to save up for Copenhagen and Stockholm. So I'm going to be their personal stylist.

Made by me: Flowerprint Shorts

Hey. I had some Flowerfabric and an old pair of jeans laying around,
so I thought I would make some flowerprint shorts.